Monday, March 3, 2008


I was able to set up an account on Bloglines, but ran into a few problems. It took a long time recieve a verification e-mail, and I was unsure if I would get one at all. Once I finally recieved the e-mail, I was able to subscribe to several websites, and found it really great. It was nice to see what had recently been updated without having to view the page. The only thing that was not so great, was that the information disappears once the link has been clicked.

Flickr Mashups

The Flickr mashups I visited were very interesting. Many of them seem to ask for money to create something new from a picture. The sudoku seemed like a fun place for children to visit and have fun with. At first I didn't understand how to play Sudoku with pictures, but when I understood that each picture had to be in each row and each column, and each square, it was just so much more interesting than using numbers. I didn't find a place to create your own sudoku using your own pictures. I will have to keep exploring and try to find out if this is possible.

Emily's Bridge

Emily's Bridge
Originally uploaded by Gexydaf
Emily's Bridge